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About Brainscape

Learn faster with spaced repetition. Brainscape's online flashcards app applies decades of cognitive science research to make studying as efficient as humanly possible.

Make flashcards online. Brainscape’s browser-based flashcard maker lets you easily create flashcards, share them with friends, and sync between all of your mobile devices.
Download for: iOS or Android

Adaptive Learning on Steroids
Over 800 academic studies have proven the efficiency of spaced repetition. But nobody has ever made it as personalized as Brainscape.

Study Less, Remember More, & Improve Test Scores
Brainscape’s Confidence-Based Repetition method is proven by decades of cognitive science research into how we learn and retain information.

- Find Great Flashcards
- Browse thousands of classes created by publishers, teachers, and students
- Create Great Flashcards
- Use easy authoring tools on both our website and our mobile & tablet app
- Study Progressively
- Learn faster using Brainscape's “smart flashcards” repetition system
- Collaborate with Classmates
- Manage editing permissions to help spread the work among multiple students
- Share Your Class
- Post a link to your class on your class website, or tweet it to the rest of the world
- Bulk Upload Entire Decks
- Import dozens of text-based flashcards at once, using a two-column .csv file
- Upload Media
- Easily add images, animations, and sounds to your flashcards
- Format Beautiful Content
- Transform boring text using bold, italics, bullets, numbered lists, & other HTML tweaks
- Track Students' Progress
- Monitor the participation and mastery of all students in a shared class
- Navigate Your Content
- Easily flip through cards, search for specific cards, or view whole decks in “print preview”
- Benchmark Your Progress
- Compare your commitment levels with friends and with learners around the world
- Bookmark Your Cards
- Mark specific flashcards to review later with a teacher or tutor

Upcoming Events by Brainscape:

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