Urban Adventure Quest



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About Urban Adventure Quest

We offer outdoor scavenger hunt adventures all guided by your smartphone. You'll solve clues and complete puzzles together as you take a walking tour of the city. You'll learn fun facts and local history as you play. Promotes problem-solving, critical thinking, and teamwork.
Meant to be played together as a team. Younger children will need more assistance but can still be an active participant in solving the puzzles and mental challenges.

There are two options for full Quests in Austin, TX, and a mini-Quest in Atlanta. A full description of each game, plus details on how it works including sample questions and game demo, can be found on our Website. Sign up is online. You pick the day and time to play. There is no one to meet and you play with your own group, making this Covid-friendly.

Upcoming Events by Urban Adventure Quest:

This business has no upcoming events.