LearningPlunge Inc.



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About LearningPlunge Inc.

We have created fun and engaging card games that teach U.S. geography and U.S. history. Each of these games includes several decks of cards that can be adapted to many levels of play from beginner to advanced. They can be played one-on-one or in teams. Children from grades 3 through high school enjoy these games at different levels of play.

In addition to the games, we organized multi-school tournaments in the fall and the spring in Washington, D.C. We can also teach others not in this area to run tournaments.

We also now run free virtual tournaments. We will run a formal tournament in the spring. However, we have already created the content and can run these tournaments for groups of students on your schedule.

Finally, we have a Kids' Zone on our website where we post a Question of the Day each weekday and we have longer Quizzes that we change our periodically. There are also many other resources on that page.

Everything we do is free. The only cost involved is if you would like to purchase the game sets. Revenue from those sets supports all of our other free programming.

Upcoming Events by LearningPlunge Inc.:

This business has no upcoming events.