American Heritage Living History Productions



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About American Heritage Living History Productions

Historical interpreter / historical actor / historical performer of 4th President James Madison.
Perform live or virtually on any topic you desire within President Madison's lifetime between 1751-1836.
Offer interactive experiences with your students in character as James Madison.
Have colleagues who portray other historical figures that can be retained individually or in any combination of your choice by contacting Kyle Jenks.
These characters are:
Dolley Madison
Alexander Hamilton
Pres. George Washington
Pres. John Adams
Pres. Thomas Jefferson
Pres. James Monroe
John Jay
Pres. Abraham Lincoln
Pres. John F. Kennedy

Offer a play to middle school aged students that can be performed without rehearsal. It is coordinated with parents. Title: Colonial Life in the Mohawk Valley (of upstate New York)

Upcoming Events by American Heritage Living History Productions:

This business has no upcoming events.