Atlanta Homeschool Cooperative
Please contact this social group for location information.
Type of Organization
In-Person Group
Religious Affiliation
About Atlanta Homeschool Cooperative
Atlanta Homeschool Cooperative (AHC) is an inclusive community of families who share activities, ideas, and resources. Our primary mission is to build a supportive community and connections between homeschooling parents and children in the Atlanta Area. We welcome all kinds of people and hope to be as diverse as the homeschooling population.
If you are a homeschool family looking to meet new people, contribute to a community, and enjoy group activities in the Atlanta area, we would love to include you.
Reach of Organization:
Local Organization
Intended Ages:
All Ages
Regularly scheduled classes:
Regularly scheduled social events:
Yearly Membership Fee:
Additional Pricing Information:
Fall 2020 Virtual Option Pricing is different. Membership dues are $20 per year per family, due July 31, or whenever your join AHC. Online Registration Fee is $45/child.
Disclaimer: This website is provided “as is” and Homeschool Anywhere makes no representations or warranties in relation to the accuracy or completeness of Information. Visitors rely on Information on the website at their own risk. Times and dates are subject to change.
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